European Public Health Week
European Public Health Week
17-21 May 2021
A ESS através do Departamento de Enfermagem vai participar na Semana Europeia de Saúde Pública, uma iniciativa organizada pela EUPHA (European Public Health Association)
Na próxima segunda feira, dia 17 de maio, às 16:00 horas, a professora Tatiana Alves, da ESS-IPS, e as estudantes do 4º ano de enfermagem Marta Laranjeira e Beatriz Coelho vão participar num webinar com o Tema: Communicating Science and Health – Student Safety Talks.
Este evento contando com a presença dos estudantes do ensino superior, tem como objetivo a discussão da problemática de saúde publica referente à prevenção de acidentes e à promoção da segurança.
Este evento tem como co-organizadores o IPS/ESS e Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr. Ricardo Jorge Portugal, School of Health Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University and Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Lithuania.
Link Zoom: Clique Aqui
Meeting ID: 956 4332 2513
Date / theme: Monday 17 May - Communicating science and health
Time: 16h00 until 18h00 (CET) Greece, Lithuania, Portugal (organisers' local time)
(please check your equivalent timezone!)
Event type: Panel discussion
Event format: Online only
Description: Panel discussion among university students in the health professions regarding intentional and unintentional injuries. The discussion will be moderated by experts in injury prevention and will offer the interdisciplinary perspective from health professions of different countries.
Hosting country: Joint event - Greece, Lituania, Portugal
Language(s): English
Reach: Regional (joint activity of 3 countries)
(1) School of Health Sciences, Hellenic Mediterranean University,
(2) Faculty of Health Sciences, Klaipeda University, Lithuania,
(3) School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal, Portugal